Category: Change Management
Proving a Better Way Isn’t Always Easy
The time for change had come. The leadership had tried working with the people running the program for almost two years and still they hadn’t made the progress they desired and knew could be achieved. I was approached and asked to look at the program and see what would be needed to get the desired…
Winning and Losing
All our lives we are told to win, win, win! We’re encouraged to be the best student and get the highest grades and ranking in our class. When we play sports it becomes get the most points or cross the finish line first. Even into adulthood with our work the drive is to make more…
Patience, Balance, and Relaxation
I’ve been a trainer and teacher for all my adult years. At the core, it is what I am. It seems I look at every situation as a learning opportunity – sometimes to the frustration of my friends and family. Always trying to find better ways to reach people I developed three basic principles that…
The Training Equation
All of us have been through different training programs throughout our lives; wouldn’t you agree? For most of us it started at five years old, heading off to kindergarten. The standard learning progression is elementary school, middle school, high school. After that some go off to college and graduate work. Once in the workforce everyone…
To Change Or Not To Change
The biggest difficulty with discussing change is the vastness of the areas change can encompass. To make this complex topic more manageable, let’s categorize change into one of three levels. Level 1 change would be the no thought and no choice changes in our lives. One example would be aging. While we might fight to…
Fate or Personal Choice
Many years ago, during one of my life coaching classes, I took part in a discussion of fate versus personal choice. It wasn’t surprising, because of the subject matter, to see everyone in the class pick the argument that our lives are totally ours to choose what to do. I found myself standing alone among…
The Process of Group Faclitation
Groups are created for a purpose – a specific work project, a corporate department or for social good. Many times difficulties arise when attempting to achieve the group’s goals or even to set those goals. The range of problems is huge, including everything from personality conflicts to unclear expectations to political agendas. Each group I’ve…
Why is Change so hard?
Change is so hard for us because we are familiar with the path we’re on and we like familiarity. Familiarity gives us a sense of balance, ease, and steadiness. These are strong feelings. So strong that even if we know there is a better path to take we need an enormous amount of energy to…