“This is the beginning of a new day.  You have been given this day to use as you will.  You can waste it or use it for good.  What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.  When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind… let it be something good.”  ~Unknown Author

Every morning we awake to a whole opportunity for us to choose.  We can choose to live today just as we did yesterday or we can choose to live differently.

What did you choose when you woke up today?

I decided do something that I revisit every now and then just to remind myself what’s really important.  As I was walking out to get the newspaper I stopped and just listened for a moment.  Then I smelled the air and looked around.

It was early, just before the sun rose completely.  The air was cool with spring morning dampness.  I could hear a number of birds singing their morning song and an occasional car driving by the house.  Two little dogs barked at something, probably me, and a peacock cried out (yes, I have a neighbor who has peacocks.)  Looking around, all the colors were shades of gray and I stood watching as the day colorized with the growing light.  I took a deep breath and felt the relaxation and the wondrous possibilities of a new day dawning.

It doesn’t have to be morning to do this little exercise.  You can do it right where you are and right now.  Give it a try, stop for a moment and look around you.  Pay attention to the details.

How does the air feel; is it hot or cold?

What do you see that stirs you emotionally; making you happy or sad?

If you go outside to let the dog out, pick up the mail or just take a walk notice the sounds and smells around you.  Take a step, stop, and look around.  Examine your all too familiar surroundings and notice something new.

Why?  Because being more aware of your surroundings will help you to look at life a little differently.  And looking at life a little differently will help you to find new ways to accomplish the tasks on your list.  And accomplishing the tasks on your list gets you one step closer to completing your goals.  And completing your goals helps you to achieve your dreams.

At the end of the day, when your head rests on your pillow, how will you look back on this day?  Did you waste it or use it for good? 

What will you choose when you wake up tomorrow?
