Tag: Nick George
Dealing with the “F” Word
One of the realities we all face is not always succeeding at something the way we would like to succeed. Many times we get results much different than we originally planned. Unfortunately when this happens most of us call this f… f… failure (shudder, shudder.) I hate the word and all the negative images it…
A is for Attitude
It’s the alpha of success and everybody has one. A positive attitude can compensate for a lack of knowledge by making it easier for you learn and for others to teach you. People who cultivate consistently positive attitudes expect great things; work hard for those things and are more likely to achieve them. Here are…
Understanding Self-confidence
Some people have a lot and others very little. In fact, how much we have can vary greatly depending on time and circumstances. The more positive it is can drive you to new levels of success and, conversely, the more negative can stop all progress. You can call it self-confidence, self-esteem, self-respect, self-worth or even…
Wring these Worst Words from Your Ways
There are two words in our language that are responsible for destroying more successful plans than any others. They’re used so often most of us are not even conscious we say them. On the surface, they are just words. Subconsciously, they set up a whole mindset that undermines success, creates unhappiness and stifles creativity. The…
Your day; Your Choice
“This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in…
Choices, Choices Everywhere
Every day we make hundreds and hundreds of choices, most of which are unconscious and overlooked. For instance, when you choose to get up in the morning you make the choice of putting your feet on the floor and standing up instead of falling out of bed. It’s not a choice you give a lot…
Perspective: Our Window on the World
I looked at several online dictionaries as well as one hardcopy dictionary for the definition of perspective. I found essentially two definitions: A method of showing distance in art by making far away objects smaller. A way of judging how something is in comparison with other things. I’d like to focus on the second description…
Rules to Hiring Your Next Consultant (Part 3)
This is the last part of the series. It is amazing how many people we can find to help us when we know exactly what we are trying to achieve and how our organization is likely to react to the changes. Now that you’ve winnowed the list of potential consultants, it is time to find…
Rules to Hiring Your Next Consultant (Part 2)
Finding for the right consultant to achieve your goals becomes a lot easier when you have a structured plan to following. In Part 1, we talked about defining the problem and establishing a supportive contact. Rule #3 – Unearth Potential Candidates Don’t get too hung up on particular credentials or levels of experience when you…
Rules to Hiring Your Next Consultant (Part 1)
Hiring a consultant is easy if you don’t care about the results. Surprisingly, many companies have hired consultants that have cost them a lot of money and produced little of what they hoped to achieve. Luckily there are six rules that can help make sure you hire the right person to get the proper results. …