It’s the alpha of success and everybody has one.  A positive attitude can compensate for a lack of knowledge by making it easier for you learn and for others to teach you.  People who cultivate consistently positive attitudes expect great things; work hard for those things and are more likely to achieve them.

Here are some simple things you can do, now, that will help to develop a good attitude:

Use a clock radio that plays music that is soft and pleasant to wake you up. Don’t use a loud alarm clock.  Okay, some of you are laughing at this one because you’re saying that soft and pleasant music won’t help you get up but keep you sleeping.  Guess you’ll have to pass on this one; remember, the loud alarm you need to wake you doesn’t add to your positive attitude.

Allow yourself enough time to prepare for the day’s activities at a civilized pace. Don’t get up at the last possible moment. Yes, this may mean you have to go to bed a little earlier.  What are you willing to sacrifice to have a better attitude and more success?

Think of three specific things you can be grateful for while sitting on the “throne.” Do this every day! Don’t worry about how original you are.  You’ll feel better inside and out.

Think about the positive things you expect to accomplish today. Don’t listen to news of the world’s problems or worry about your own problems while you are getting your day started.  Giving your worries a rest for a few minutes goes a long way in helping you have a better attitude and, many times, will give you new insight into some of those issues.

Eat a healthy breakfast. No, a cup of coffee and a cookie do not qualify as a healthy breakfast.  Studies have shown this not only helps your attitude but also curbs the midmorning munchies and aids in a healthier body.  This one may take a while before you get used to it.

If you read the paper while eating breakfast, skip the negative “stinking thinking” news. Skim the headlines to keep yourself informed. Read the comics before you put the paper away, and be sure to make yourself laugh. Yes, I said MAKE yourself laugh!

When you think positively about yourself, you work harder at what you want to do and give up less easily.  When you think more positively about your colleagues, employees, spouse and children, you build stronger and more productive relationships which leads to greater success at work and at home.

Cultivating a positive attitude isn’t always easy.  However, the more you work on it the easier it gets.  If you think you are already too busy and don’t have time think about how much time you spend watching television or just surfing the Internet each day.  If you reduce one of these activities by just 30 minutes per day you will have captured more than 7 ½ full 24-hour days.

Which will help your attitude and success more – 7 days a year watching television or 7 days a year building your future?  The choice is all yours.
